ANOTHER?! Yep. Making these shorter, too — longer they are, the more easy it is for me to get distracted and forget.
Only the slightest effort towards an actual ‘theme’ for this. But still hella random. Working on that. Trying to find what works.
Backups:, Vimeo, Odysee
In this episode…
- “The Magic of Closing” Chrysler Sales Training Video (1980)
- “Mars and Beyond” (1952, Disney)
- “This is Sony” Analog HDTV 1080i HDVS Video Demonstration Disc (1989)
- Sesame Street Baker (Alex Stevens) 1 through 10 falls
- “Is We Is” (1987, Bar-Bill Productions)
- Muppets vs. Nazis (Assorted)
- King of the Hill (“Smoking and the Bandit”, 2005)
- Fish Tube
- 23/6 Swift Kids for Truth on 9/11
- Sex Offender Shuffle (2009, Scott Gairdner)
- Disney Spring Preview (1991)
- Lalo jumps on a Goomba (2022, Vesite)
- Small Wonder – V.I.C.I Goes Berserk
- Bee Movie
- Jones’ Good Ass BBQ & Foot Massage