This should have been a home run. Decent cast. And an interesting foundation of an idea.
A young couple looking to buy a new home become trapped, alone in community of identical homes. After repeated attempts to escape, always, inexplicably circling back to building #9, a box appears with a newborn baby inside: raise the child, and be released, print on the box promises.
For a while there it felt like a compelling, bizarre supernatural mystery in the best tradition of Twilight Zone‘s creepiest.
And then… just as it gives you a taste of where this might finally be going… nothing.

It yanks the rug out, and practically waves a scolding finger in your face for wanting more from the film. It punishes you for it with a an eye-roll of an ending that’s nowhere near as clever as it probably thinks it is.
There’s some creepy atmosphere, decent acting, but it literally goes nowhere at all. Just enjoy the trailer and imagine your own, more interesting film.
(Vivariam is currently included with Prime Now.)