It’s the same story every time.
Oh woe! Life is so awful! The magic silicon smoke machines will take my life away!
Trog crap like this meme, and the rigid, binary anti-AI dipshittery, is essentially accepting the history of abuse by corporations as the default outcome of technological advancement.
As long as there are free, open expressions of this technology, it’s not.
Unless you let it.
So here’s my plea: instead of resigning to filtering every big technological advancement through the melodramatic lens of dystopian oppression, grab the wheel. Start thinking of ways to use those tools both defensively and offensively FOR the people. How can these tools improve life? Think about 3D printing, and how it enables people to create their own prosthetics. Things like that.
We should be pushing the narrative towards people-friendly, empowering positions instead of wallowing in shallow meme-quality victimhood.