Slack Injection TV returns after an extended obsession attempting to sync Divine’s mouth movements up to Lordi’s vocalizations.
Yeah, it’s gonna be that kind of episode.
In this episode…
- 1-800, Dog Police (1985)
- Burger King – SpongeBob Ad
- Divine – Walk Like a Man (1985)
- Doctor Who: The Creature from the Pit
- Hard Rock Hallelujah (Lordi)
- Movie Opening Interview with Moviegoers (1979, Texas)
- Nickelodeon Ad: SK8 TV
- Nintendo Virtual Boy Ad
- Red Letter Media – Samurai Cop Commentary
- Secrets of the Unknown – Part 1: Pyramids
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- Star Trek: Picard
- Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
- Star Wars Deleted Scene
- Star Wars: Episode 1 Pepsi Ad
- Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi
- Superman v. Drugs (Nick-o-Teen)
- Tapes Rolling! Star Trek Convention Footage (KTCA)
- TRON (1982)